My hamster slping edi~best dun disturb him ltr he bite me ;p nites~slp dreams~
<<<<< My dear dear Huda(emo queen). hugging the cup i gif her for valentines day~ she say she lik alot and she walk and hug it every whr she go ROFL
Haiix sian nxt thurs common test muz study till hair all white ;p cnot use calculator oso coz cher say is small no. so dunid 2 use sian =.=" Hope i get bak 2 express tis yr so dunid 2 study for 1 mor 1yr den i happy u happy every1 happy^^
I love Mrs Kua.
I love Mdm Teo.
I love Mr Teo.
I love Ms Sharifah,
I love Mr Ho,
I love Ms Heng,
I love Mrs Pang,
I love Mr Azmi,
galgal ♥
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